What is The Use of M5Stack Dial?
What is M5Dial
How to Start With M5Dial
Open the M5Burner and click on DIAL, download the demo you want:
To enter download mode, press and hold the G0 button on StampS3 before turning it on, then release it after turning it on.
Have fun with your M5Dial

M5Stack Dial Custom Component for Home Assistant
Media Player
Example Configuration

name The hostname of the device. (default: m5-dial)
wifi_ssid The hostname of the device. (default: !secret wifi_ssid)
General Attributes
name Sets the name of the component.
screenOffTime (optional) (Default: 30000) Indicates after how many milliseconds the display automatically turns off.
rotaryStepWidth (optional) (Default: 10) Specifies the general step width by which the value changes per step when using the rotary encoder. The value set here applies to all modes where no different step width is specified.
longPressDuration (optional) (Default: 1200) Indicates the duration, in milliseconds, after which a button press is considered a long press.
font (optional) (Default: FreeSans12pt7b) Specifies the font to be used. All available fonts are defined in a map in globals.h.
font_factor (optional) (Default: 1) Specifies the factor to be applied to the font size. Valid values: 0.1 - 10.0
Under Devices, all entities to be controlled with the M5 Dial are specified.
The entities are specified in individual lists per device type (domain) such as lights, switches, covers, etc.
entity Specifies the Light Entity ID from Home Assistant to be controlled.
name The name of the entity displayed on the screen.
modes (optional)
enable (Default: false) Setting to true activates the mode for the entity.
rotary_step_width (optional) Specifies the general step width by which the value changes per step when using the rotary encoder. The value set here overrides the general setting and applies only to the brightness mode of this light entity. Valid values: 1 - 100
enable (Default: false) Setting to true activates the mode for the entity.
rotary_step_width (optional) Specifies the general step width by which the value changes per step when using the rotary encoder. The value set here overrides the general setting and applies only to the color selection mode of this light entity. Valid values: 1 - 100

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