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M5Stack Unit Glass vs. Unit Glass2: Transparent OLED Display Comparison

03 Jan 2025 0 Comments
M5Stack provides two transparent OLED display modules measuring 1.51 inches: the Unit Glass and the Unit Glass2. These modules are extensively utilized in smart home applications, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and various embedded projects. Notably, these two units exhibit significant differences in display technology and functional design, rendering them suitable for distinct project requirements. This article presents a comprehensive comparison of the two products, focusing on their technical specifications, salient features, and potential application scenarios, thereby assisting users in selecting the most appropriate solution for their projects.
M5Stack Glass Unit

M5Stack Glass Unit

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M5Stack Glass 2 Unit

M5Stack Glass 2 Unit

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Technical Specifications Comparison


Glass Unit

Glass2 Unit

Screen Size

1.51 inches


128 x 64 pixels

Transparent Area

128 x 56 pixels

Fully transparent area

Driver Solution

STM32F030F4P6 + SSD1309

SSD1309 driver

Control Interface

I2C (default address 0x3C)

I2C (default address 0x3C, switchable to 0x3D)

Brightness Control

256 levels

Control Unit

Built-in STM32 MCU, supports

simultaneous control of

multiple units via I2C bus

No MCU, requires PaHUB

expansion to control multiple


Buttons & Buzzer

Includes 2 buttons and a

buzzer for user interaction

No buttons or buzzer

Refresh Efficiency

Relatively low, suitable for

static displays

High refresh efficiency, ideal

for dynamic and fast-changing


Multi-Unit Control

Can control dozens of units via

I2C bus

Supports up to 2 units on the

same I2C bus; for more,

requires PaHUB

Viewing Angle

Full view

Operating Temperature

0 ~ 40°C

Logic Voltage


Product Size

53 x 42 x 2.3 mm

53 x 42 x 6 mm

Package Size

136 x 92 x 13 mm

Product Weight

10 g

9.1 g

Package Weight

15.2 g

13.9 g


Core Feature Comparison

Features of Unit Glass

  1. Built-in STM32 MCU: The Unit Glass is equipped with an STM32 microcontroller, which enables direct control of the display and facilitates communication through the I2C bus. This architecture not only accommodates firmware upgrades but also permits the management of multiple units via the I2C bus, thereby enhancing its expandability significantly.

  2. Support for User Interaction: The module is equipped with two buttons and a buzzer, facilitating straightforward interaction capabilities, including button input and auditory feedback. Such features render it appropriate for various interactive applications.

  3. Ease of Embedded Use: The semi-transparent display area, measuring 128 x 56 pixels, can be seamlessly integrated with various hardware components or environments. This feature produces a distinctive visual effect that is often utilized in smart home technology as well as embedded devices.

Features of Unit Glass2

  1. High Refresh Efficiency: The removal of the MCU in Unit Glass2 allows it to operate solely with the SSD1309 driver. This design approach not only decreases costs but also significantly enhances refresh efficiency, rendering it particularly suitable for applications involving dynamic or rapidly changing content.

  2. Lightweight Design: The omission of a microcontroller unit (MCU) in the Glass2 module contributes to its reduced weight and enhanced cost-effectiveness. However, this configuration necessitates the use of an external controller to facilitate more complex functionalities.

  3. I2C Address Switching: The Glass2 device enables users to switch I2C addresses utilizing solder pads, specifically 0x3C or 0x3D. It is important to note that the device is limited to connecting a maximum of two screens concurrently on a single I2C bus. For the connection of additional screens, a PaHUB expansion module is required.



Recommended Application Scenarios

When to Choose Unit Glass

  1. Devices Requiring User Interaction The inclusion of buttons and a buzzer makes it ideal for devices where users need to interact via button input or sound feedback, such as smart locks or information terminals.

  2. Projects with Multi-Screen Displays The built-in MCU supports the simultaneous control of multiple screens, making it suitable for multi-screen setups like dashboards or information panels.

  3. Embedded Integration Needs The semi-transparent design allows seamless integration with hardware, making it ideal for smart home displays or embedded control systems.

When to Choose Unit Glass2

  1. Dynamic Display with High Refresh Rates If the project requires rapid updates or dynamic animations (e.g., real-time data dashboards or animations), Unit Glass2 is the better choice.

  2. Lightweight Design Requirements Glass2’s simplified design makes it suitable for projects with strict cost or hardware complexity limitations.

  3. Limited Multi-Screen Use For projects requiring only one or two displays, Glass2’s I2C address-switching feature provides sufficient support without additional hardware.


Advantages and Disadvantages

Feature Advantages of Unit Glass Advantages of Unit Glass2
Control Capability Supports multiple screens, highly expandable Simple I2C address switching for single or dual screens
Interactive Features Built-in buttons and buzzer for user interaction No interactive features, but lighter design
Refresh Efficiency Standard refresh rate for static content High refresh efficiency for dynamic displays
Cost Relatively higher cost Lower cost, ideal for budget-sensitive projects
Hardware Complexity Built-in MCU adds complexity but simplifies deployment Simplified hardware, requires external controller


Conclusion and Selection Guide

Use Case Recommended Product
Devices requiring interaction (buttons, sound feedback) Unit Glass
Multi-screen displays with higher expandability Unit Glass
High refresh rate displays (dynamic data, animations) Unit Glass2
Lightweight designs with minimal hardware complexity Unit Glass2
Single or dual screens with better cost efficiency Unit Glass2


In conclusion, Unit Glass is more appropriately suited for projects that involve complex interactions and multi-screen configurations. In contrast, Unit Glass2 demonstrates superior performance in dynamic displays and lightweight designs. Selecting the appropriate product according to specific project requirements will facilitate the optimal balance between performance and cost, thereby providing robust support for development objectives.


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