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CW32F030 MCU in Electric Welding Machines

05 Jul 2024 0 Comments
With the development of industrial technology, microcontroller plays an important role in many fields. The application of microcontroller in electric welding machine can realize automatic control, improve welding quality and efficiency by writing specific program.


Electric welding machine is a kind of equipment used for metal welding, using electric arc heat to melt the metal to realize welding. Electric welding machine mainly consists of power supply, controller and welding head, in which the power supply provides high voltage and high current electric energy, the controller is responsible for controlling the power supply on and off and adjusting the welding parameters, and the welding head converts the electric energy into heat energy to realize the melting and welding of metal.
Electric welding machine can be divided into arc welding machine, fluorine arc welding machine, pulse welding machine, etc. According to the working principle, this article will introduce the application of Wuhan Core Source Semiconductor CW32F030 series microcontroller in arc welding machine.



Program Features:

● Automatic control of the welding machine can be realized, and welding parameters can be set through the input interface, and the power supply can be controlled through the output interface to turn on and off the power supply and regulate the welding parameters, so as to realize automatic welding;

● Real-time monitoring of the welding process, through the sampling and processing of welding current, voltage and other parameters, it can realize automatic detection and assessment of the welding quality to ensure the welding quality;

● Monitoring and recording the working status of the welding machine, which can realize automatic fault diagnosis and alarm and facilitate repair and maintenance;

● Control the power consumption of the welding machine, which can realize energy saving and energy conservation.

Welding industrial site is too much interference, so there is a high demand for MCU's anti-interference. Wuhan Core Source Semiconductor's MCU all ESD reliability reaches the highest level of international standards, HBM ESD through the 8KV test, with super anti-interference ability.


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