Key Differences Between Python and MicroPython Explained

Python is currently the most popular programming language and consistently ranks at the top of language popularity lists. Its ease of use, powerful features, and robust object-oriented capabilities have attracted a vast community of developers. On the other hand, we often encounter MicroPython when exploring microcontroller development. MicroPython is essentially Python tailored to run...
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PlatformIO: Library Resource for Embedded & Desktop Dev

The PlatformIO Example Library on GitHub is an invaluable resource for developers working on embedded and desktop projects. With hundreds of carefully organized examples, this library covers popular development platforms, frameworks, and chips, making it easy for developers to dive into PlatformIO. Whether you’re building IoT applications with ESP32, experimenting with Arduino, or developing...
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STM32CubeH7: Unlock the Potential of STM32H7 Development

STM32CubeH7, provided by STMicroelectronics, is a powerful, open-source platform specifically designed to streamline the development of applications for the STM32H7 microcontroller series. With STM32CubeH7, developers can dive right into creating advanced projects without needing to spend excessive time on low-level drivers and middleware development. This platform comes packed with tools and features that enhance...
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How to Use M5Stack TimerPWR Unit: Full Features Guide

Good news! M5Stack has launched a new product, the TimerPWR Unit. Let's explore how to use it. What is TimerPWR Unit The TimerPWR Unit is a versatile timed power supply module offering charging, discharging, switching, display, and boost functions. It features an STM32 microcontroller for precise power control, enabling users to set automatic on/off...
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Comparaison d'ATOM Lite, ATOM Matrix et ATOM Echo

L'ATOM Lite, la matrice ATOM , et ATOM Echo sont toutes des cartes de développement compactes basées sur ESP32 conçues pour les applications Internet des objets (IoT). Leur petit format et leurs fonctionnalités polyvalentes les rendent adaptés auxappareils intelligents, aux nœuds de capteurs et aux applications de contrôle à distance. Bien qu'elles partagent des...
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