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How to Build A Smart Access Control System Using M5StickV and RFID Module

22 Jul 2024 0 Comments

In this project, we'll create a smart access control system using ESP32, RFID units, and M5StickV. The system supports RFID card reading, QR code recognition, and “offline-cloud platform” interaction via MQTT. Key features include RFID read/write capabilities, MQTT-based data communication, and user interface interaction via M5GO Lite.



Project Objectives

  • Card Punching System: Implement the basic logic of a card punching system using ESP32 as the main control chip.
  • RFID Information Recognition: Use the RFID unit to read and recognize IC card information.
  • Offline-Cloud Interaction: Enable offline-cloud platform interaction for exercise information using MQTT.
  • QR Code Recognition: Utilize M5StickV for QR code recognition.


Implement Procedures

Setting Up the MQTT Server

1. Server Settings:

  • Server ID, Username, and Password: Set these main elements for the MQTT server.
  • Port Number: Typically set to 1883.
  • Server URL: Provide the platform's URL.
2. Publishing Data:
  • Topic and Data Format: Ensure the topic format matches the platform's API parameters. Data is usually formatted in JSON.

3. Subscribing to Data:

  • Subscription Details: Set the topic and data for subscribing. Ensure the themes for publishing and subscribing are different. Security should be managed by the broker. Subscription data will return Mid and Result values, which can be used to verify data integrity and upload success.

Module Configuration

M5StickV for QR Code Recognition

1. Camera and Image Parameters:

  • Libraries: Use MicroPython's sensor and image libraries.
  • Image Format: Set to RGB565.
  • Resolution: Set to QQVGA (160x120).
  • Capture Image: Use the img library to capture the camera image.

2. QR Code Detection:

  • Detection: Use find_qrcode to detect QR codes in the image. It returns parameters like parsed data and specifications.
  • Decoding: Extract and use the decoded data for further processing.

RFID Configuration

      RFID Card Structure:
  • UID and BLOCKS: UID is a unique, read-only identifier. BLOCKS are readable and writable, where student data is stored.
  • Delay: Implement a delay to prevent multiple recognitions due to high RF processing frequency.

UART Communication

  • Protocol: UART is a serial asynchronous transceiver protocol transmitting binary data bits.
  • Signal Levels: High for '1' and low for '0'.
Hardware Connections:
  • TX (Transmit Data): Connect to the RX of the other device.
  • RX (Receive Data): Connect to the TX of the other device.
  • GND: Ensure a common ground between devices.
Device Interface:
  • M5Go Lite: TX (GPIO17) and RX (GPIO16).
  • M5StickV: RX (GPIO35) and TX (GPIO34).
  • Library: Use MicroPython's uart library to set up the platform.


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