The STM32F103 "Blue Pill" Development Board is a compact microcontroller board designed for embedded system development. It features the STM32F103C8T6 processor with a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 core, running at 72MHz. This board includes 128KB of flash memory, 20KB of RAM, and various I/O interfaces like UART, SPI, I2C, and USB. It supports RTOS development, making it ideal for learning real-time systems, prototyping, and creating custom firmware. With its small size, versatility, and open-source resources, it is perfect for students, hobbyists, and developers looking to explore STM32 platforms.
RTOS Swiss Army Knife Hardware Kit
- Infrared Remote Controller
- Micro-USB Data Cable
- RGB LED Module (Round Head)
- USB-to-Serial Module (CH340G)
- ST-Link Debugging Module
- DShanMCU-F103 Development Board
- Jumper Wires: Female-to-Female, Male-to-Female, Male-to-Male (10cm each)
- Temperature Sensor Module: DHT11
- Temperature Sensor Module: DS18B20
- Buzzer Module: Active and Passive
- Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Module: LM393
- Ultrasonic Sensor Module: HC-SR04
- Infrared Receiver Module: 1838×1
- Infrared Transmitter Module: 38KHz×1
- Rotary Encoder Module: EC11×1
- IIC OLED Display: SSD1306 (128×64, Blue & Yellow) ×1
- IIC Gyroscope & Accelerometer: MPU6050×1
- SPI Flash Module: W25Q64×1
- DC Motor Driver: DRV8833×1
- DC Motor ×1
- DC Motor Propeller (Red) ×1
- Stepper Motor Driver Board ×1
- Servo Motor: SG90 90° ×1
- Photoresistor Module: Plug-in Type (4-pin) ×1