This product offers comprehensive protocol support, including IEEE802.11b/g/n/ax protocols. It is Wi-Fi 6-compatible and also supports BLE 5.3 and Thread. The product enables Wi-Fi/BLE/Thread coexistence. In terms of Wi-Fi security, it supports WPS/WEP/WPA/WPA2/WPA3.
It provides support for SPI color screens with a resolution of up to 320*480 pixels. For cameras, it supports 30W-pixel DVP cameras and USB cameras under 100W-pixel.
The bandwidth rate support includes 20/40MHz bandwidth with 1T1R, achieving a rate of up to 229.4Mbps. It also features capacitive touch support and dual-channel input and output. Additionally, it supports secondary development with integrated Windows and Linux development environments.
Product Feature
Items | Details |
AiPi Model | AiPi - Eyes - S1 |
Development Board Size | 75×58mm |
Main Control Module | Ai - M61 - 32S |
Power Supply Type | Type - C (5V) |
LCD Support | GC9307N (3.5 inches, 240×320 pixels) + Capacitive Touch |
Camera Support - DVP Interface | 30w - pixel (GC3028) Camera |
Camera Support - USB Interface | 100w - pixel USB Camera |
Audio Circuit | External ES8388, Dual-channel Input and Output |
Product Details
AiPi-Eyes-S1 User Manual