Sensor Shield/Expansion Board V5 - OpenELAB

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In the experiments, you might often use a UNO R3 control board and several sensor modules. If the interfaces of power output is not enough, you may need to add a breadboard and use many connection wires. Is it really troublesome?
But now, with this sensor shield, you can easily solve that problem. This shield is fully compatible with the UNO R3 control board, so you can easily stack it onto UNO R3 for use.
This sensor shield has extended the digital and analog ports out as 3PIN interface (G, V, S), which can directly connect 3PIN sensor modules.
It also breaks out some communication pins of 2.54mm pitch, like serial, IIC, and SPI communication.
The shield comes with a reset button and 2 signal indicators as well.
Additionally, you can supply the voltage needed to the sensor modules through blue terminal blocks on the shield. Because some sensor modules are not used with 5V or 3.3V but with special voltage.

  • Extends an Arduino Reset button

  • Comes with a built-in power indicator and a D13 indicator

  • Breakout all the digital and analog ports of UNO R3 as 3PIN headers

  • A serial communication interface

  • A I2C communication interface

  • A SPI communication interface

  • Comes with a URF interface

  • Comes with an APC220 interface

  • You can supply the voltage needed for sensor modules via terminal blocks.

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